Chasing Dory, App 4.0.4, iOS 18.1. iPhone.
Out of 10 attempts, it has been useless 8 times.
It doesn’t respond to the controls. When you take off, it dances around on the surface and eventually goes down. But when you give it the command to steer, nothing happens.
When you give it the command to dive, it does it in slow motion. 1m dive per minute. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in fast or slow mode.
I’ve already tried the hack with flight mode - it didn’t help.
Recalibrating the device was also an attempt and a nightmare. The process keeps breaking off.
I actually bought an iPad specifically to have a better view, but I’ve never been able to control the drone with it. This can’t be true.
I’ve read that there’s a compass function somewhere for better navigation, but where is this compass? It’s not displayed and you can’t activate it in the settings.
I’m really disappointed and upset with this Dory. It was a waste of money to buy it. :-(